Skijoring Denali State Park

Skijoring Denali State Park


It was a breathtaking January day of skiing the Curry Ridge Trail in Denali State Park!  Full sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, Denali in full view all day, this is what tourists pay to come see and most don't get to due to clouds.  This was a new trail for most of us to explore and it was a blast!

Starting out in the morning from the Kesugi Ken Campground.  Four friends and two dogs.  It's uphill the whole way.

It was so nice to get up into the sunshine!  Melissa and Francine were hardcore, they skied up the whole way under their power, no dogs helping them.


Ella and I were lucky to have our dogs assisting us uphill.  Check out the amazing view of the highest mountain in North America!

Ella is hoping to start a new career in modeling, haha!

Lunchtime break, soaking in the sun and the view, ahhhhh...

Majestic, I love being in the wilderness, it's so refreshing


Heading back down before we lose all light.  Was kind of sketchy as it was downhill with switchbacks the whole way, I didn't count how many times I fell down.  I unhooked Jase for this part and I still went way faster than my skills allowed!

The end of an epic day, the overlook at Kesugi Ken campground.

You can access this campground and trail at mile 135.4 Parks Hwy, there are also cabins here with amazing views for nightly rental at

Do you have a favorite winter adventure?  Let us know in the comments

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