Find Us
Click on this LINK to find Alaska Chicks store locations in Eagle River, Palmer, and Wasilla.
The local businesses listed below now carry our products across Alaska!! Be sure to support local small businesses in your area. Selections are limited and vary per location. For our full list of products, visit our online store.
LFS Marine Outdoor Store:

Holly Design Co.:
44619 Sterling Highway, Sterling, AK 99669
17141 N. Eagle River Loop Road, Eagle River, AK 99577
Market days are typically FIRST & LAST Fri & Sat of the month
Hours: 10am-6pm (See website for details)
Revive Home Market:
Fishbone Gifts - Hoonah, AK (907) 723-3773
AK Rustic Co. - Nenana, AK (907) 347-9720
Tongass Trading Co. - Ketchikan, AK (907) 225-5051